Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tis' "You Are What You Eat" ('TIs What You Eat, 'Tis YOU)

I AM WHAT I EAT simply because if you look at food broken down to a nutrient level, these nutrients  BECOME A PART OF YOU when you eat it. Like if I want to have more calcium I would eat/drink something rich in calcium such as milk. In fact, I recently learned from our FitDay thinger-ma-bobber that I could be suffering from calcium deficiency so I started drinking more milk because I NEED IT  to be a part of me. Hence, we must know what it is that we're stuffing down our throats and throwing into our digestive systems. This is why food label are important and why food companies should let us know what it is we consume. Also if we are eating their products, we are paying them, helping them make profit and I honestly would not like to give my money to a company that mistreats is animals (because animal cruelty is bad) or even it's workers (because cruelty towards employees is also bad). Such as the example of the companies mentioned in Food Inc that disrespects it's workers simply because they are cheap and easily 'disposable' for them.

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