Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Food Inc. reminded me of the cruelty towards both animals and workers that work for these major food corporations. I previously did a study on this when I was in M.U.N in my last school but we concentrated more on the child labour aspects. It was really weird to see the chickens part and kind of hit home cause back at my grandmother's house, we take care of the chickens in such an old fashioned way where the chickens run around and so do the chicks til' they reach a certain age and are kept in the home-made coop until their lunch time. My grandmother, and now my aunts, give the corn out. It was pretty horrible to see how the chickens were treated that way cause I was so used to seeing them as they were supposed to be. The egg collection, the raising of chicks, and the living conditions of the chickens were so different it was strange and almost horrifying. In the future, I plan to rely more on the wet market to get my chickens, meats, fruits and veggies. At my house we already grow our own food trees but not much. Maybe I can do more in ze future!

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