Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tis' a Health Interview

What is his/her relationship to you?
She's my mom.

1. Have you always been as healthy as you are now? Please explain.
I used to be really skinny to the point that people told me I looked sick. Your grandmother even gave me pills to make me eat more.

2. What particular health habits in the following areas do you practice, that contribute to your level of health?

Nutritional Habits: I eat at least five times a day and only eat deserts and sweets sparingly. It helps that I don't like sweet stuff.

Fitness Habits: I play table tennis with the family once a week. I feel that it's enough for someone as old as me.

Coping with Stress: I always plan ahead and always have a back up plan so if something doesn't work out I wouldn't have to worry too much because I'm prepared.

Dealing with Conflicts: Don't be afraid to say what you mean but if the person is not willing to listen at the moment, just let it go.

Keeping a Positive Attitude: Always be grateful for what you have and remember that God is making the right choice for you and everything will turn out okay, if God willing.

Any Additional Healthy Habits: Always have good posture when spending too much time on the computer or when watching TV. Never stay on for long because it is not good for you and you should be aware of your surroundings more.

3. How did you develop these habits? Please explain.
As an employee at Exxon Mobile, safety is a priority. We have drills and exercises that pop up on the computer so we do not sit still for long.

4. What motivates you to practice a healthy lifestyle?
My children and my work.

5. Create a question of your own that you would like to ask regarding this person’s healthy lifestyle. Make sure that the question allows your interviewee to expand on his/her thoughts (not a one word answer).

Question: What's so good about posture?

Answer: More computer and technology are used nowadays and kids especially now spend most of their time on the computers. If they are not exercising they might as well not break their back by slouching over a screen for too long.

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